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The Design&Realization has many years of experience, passed down for generations in the residential construction sector, public or commercial, creating and decorating, with 'turnkey', buildings, villas, sports hall, fitness centers, shopping centers , churches, conservatory, etc., in collaboration with major studios style of architecture.
Combining this valuable manual of the time gone with today's technological innovation, the Design&Realization has extended his work as part of the furniture, interior and exterior, favoring what NAVAL, HOSPITALITY and SHOPS.
Through top-level machinery, highly skilled workforce, advanced technology and tools for the processing of raw materials such as:
- wood and wood products;
- iron, steel, aluminum and brass;
- marble, granite, synthetic stones and composites;
it ensures top quality products at competitive prices.
The prerogative of Design&Realization are the high flexibility and speed in delivery time, possible only thanks to the shortening of the commercial chain. For this reason, while addressing a medium-high target, its products are able to maintain an excellent quality / price ratio.

Zona Ex Enichem, Isola 15 - Monte Sant'Angelo 71037 (FG)
Tel. +39 0884.516583 | Fax. +39 0884.516584
P.IVA 03691980712
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